How to draw the Easter Bunny

April showers bring May flowers and sends the Easter bunny hopping to make his deliveries.
If you're making your own Easter decorations or just want a fun activity to keep the kids occupied for a few minutes, why not teach them how to draw the Easter Bunny?
Here's a step-by-step for a simple drawing:
1. Take a white piece of A4 paper and draw a circle the size of your palm in the middle. This is the Easter bunny's head. Leave room above his head and on the sides for his long bunny ears.
2. Inside the circle, place your pencil a little below the top edge. Then, draw 2 thumb size ovals, one towards the left and another towards the right side.
3. Next, draw a tiny circle in the lower right corner of your thumb size ovals. You can trace around a small button or coin for this circle. Completely fill in these smaller areas with black.
4. To give your Easter bunny a face, start by adding a nose shaped like the letter Y between the two eyes.
5. For a mouth, at the bottom tip of the Y, draw an inch long line that's slightly slanted downward, from the left and again from the right of the Y's tip.
6. You may add a light small curved line under the mouth for a chin. Also, give the bunny a couple of cheeks by drawing small vertical lines on the sides of the face for more detail.
7. Now, draw the bunny ears. Start at the top of the head, and on each side draw an ear in the shape of a small banana with lines that meet at a point. Your bunny will have tall ears that are easier to draw than bent over ears. Between the ears you can add a little tuft of fur on the top of his head.
Got your bunny's ears, face and head done? Great. Let's give him a body.
8. The bunny's body is about twice as big as his head and is shaped like an oval laying on its side. Start at the bottom of the head and draw an oval sideways. For a tail, draw a small circle at the end of the body.
9. If you want feet, from the the bottom edge of the body, draw 2 U shapes that are lined up with the position of the ears. You can use a medium sized coin to help.
10. Add short vertical lines on the bottom of the feet for toes. For back feet, draw them the same way, except on the opposite end.
If your kids love the Easter bunny, Rex London have an excellent collection of children's Easter gifts to choose from, plus lots of gorgeous gifts featuring Bonnie the Bunny.