Things you can't buy for Christmas
Hollywood has taught us that Christmas isn't all about the presents under the tree. Just take a look at these fantastic festive films, which show that there are some gifts you just can't buy...

Image source: dolgachov
The film: The Muppet Christmas Carol
The gift: Christmas spirit
Do you find yourself saying "bah, humbug" to Christmas? A few ghostly visits and a gravestone with your name on it should fix that attitude. Let's be honest, if Kermit can't give you a healthy dose of yuletide fever, no one can.
The film: The Santa Clause
The gift: Your son's love
Don't believe in Santa? Accidentally killing the man in red and taking over his job will probably change your mind. Being Saint Nick may involve piling on the pounds and growing unwanted facial hair but, on the plus side, your son will love you for it.
The film: Home Alone
The gift: A loving family
You might sometimes wish that your family would just disappear, but there's nothing like being left behind and having your home invaded by bungling burglars to make you appreciate your loved ones. Oh, and turn you into a master trap-setter, of course. Ya' filthy animal!
The film: The Snowman
The gift: A friend
Lonely? Follow these simple instructions. Step one: build a friend out of snow. Step two: wait until nightfall. Step three: follow your snowy pal wherever he leads you. You'll party with snowmen, walk in the air and even meet Santa. Not bad for one night!
The film: Elf
The gift: A father
He may have given you up for adoption, condemned you to an upbringing in the North Pole, and made it onto the naughty list this year, but he's still your father. Once you've found him, don't give up. Win back daddy's affection with a barrage of irrepressible joy and yellow tights.
The film: Die Hard
The gift: Your marriage
How do you go about winning back your estranged wife? Simple: single-handedly take out a bunch of terrorists, save several hundred hostages, and see off the cunning supervillain holding a gun to her head. For bonus points don a dirty white vest. Yippee ki yay.
The film: Love Actually
The gift: True love
Whether it's a school play, the office party, or in a lake in France, come Christmas time you're bound to find love of some sort. The course of true love might not run smooth, but take some inspiration from this movie and you'll be running through an airport with open arms in no time.
The film: It's A Wonderful Life
The gift: The will to live
What's the best gift you can get for Christmas? More Christmases! No matter how bad things get at the office, just wait for your guardian angel to show up and tell you that the world would be dreary and depressing place without you. Not a bad ego boost.
Some gifts you can't buy, others you can. Remeber, Christmas gifts from DotComGiftShop are a little easier to find than these movie-inspired presents!