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I purchased a few boxes of this bunting for my vintage inspired nuptuals this summer and they are perfect for our very own royal wedding, ha : ) The cord is sturdy and strong, enough to keep them in place should we have a strong dash of wind on the day!! (Everyone needs a dash of wind to make their bunting fly a little). The card stock they are made from is lovely and thick too and surprisingly strong considering it has been cut to make the pretty, lace style pattern. (which is just soooo pretty)! I envisage lots of other champagne/wine fuelled post reception uses for them too........giant hankerchiefs in the mens jacket pockets, stylish vintage bibs for the babies, sails for boats, upside down cone, lacey hats. So many uses, I can't wait to hang them under lots of fairy lights!
Gorgeous! I ordered these for our wedding in Spain in June and it is just perfect! Really, long, strong and good quality - in fact, I may just order another one!
This has to be my favourite product on the whole website. It is so pretty and stunning for baby showers and weddings alike!
Beautiful product. I was surprised at how strong they were - It is pretty and unique and with the boom of fabric bunting - this makes a lovely change!
These bunting are really great quality. The pattern is so pretty and even though they are lacy and delicate they are surprisingly sturdy. The cord is really strong but still attractive so doesn't spoil the look of the flags. If you are of the crafty persuasion the matte white cardstock is ripe for inking, paint misting, stamping so you can put your own mark on them. A really great product.