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1,50 €
2,75 €
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Gestreifter Popcorn-Becher.
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Gestreifter Popcorn-Becher.
Material: Plastik
Abmessungen: 10 cm × 10 cm × 20 cm
Produkt Code: 22197
GTIN: 5027455364513
Deutschland 6.95€
Österreich 9.95€

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Perfect gift for a popcorn lover - you can pretend you're at the cinema when you're really in the comfort of your own home! A bit smaller than I anticipated but still a great product.


this product will make any movie night in POPPING! not only will it make your butter melt but your heart melt too with its refreshing vintage feel to it! it is pop pop pop perfect for your home made popcorn and it's sturdy and reusable. Everyone should have one! there is no excuse with its money crunching low price. grab a bargain and a hand full deliciousness!


OK - you may not have surround sound - or 3D or even a big screen BUT you can go one better with THIS for your Popcorn . So toss in a bag of corn and you could get a classic prezzie for under £3.00


Brilliant gift idea. can't wait to give them to family and keep some at home for sleepovers!! Such high quality for a such a great price.


AMAZING! I have just received these, they are made to such a high quality and I am getting very excited to give them out as Christmas presents this year to the in-laws in a Family movie night pack. I may even have to buy some for myself too!

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