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This is the perfect gift ! Just the right size for putting those short stemmed blooms that you have in the garden and never quite know how to display.Delighted by mine,much admired by others. Product name is misleading.....
This is my third purchase of this item. Absolutely delightful and a wonderful gift. The bottles are just right for fallen blooms in the garden and bring the outdoors in to my kitchen windowsil. Thumbs up for this super and quirky vase idea.
My order was delivered quickly, the crates of mini milk bottles are lovely . . . mine are to be used at our daughter's wedding & I am sure that they will all be spoken for, one is going to Edinburgh . . . Would recommend . . .
I received this order promptly and found they were most beautifully packed. They looked so cute and reminded me of my son enjoying his third of a pint milk at school where, if there were any spare ones he always used to put his hand up for another!
Absolutely gorgeous! Bought these for a friend, now considering being selfish & keeping them for myself!! Very well packaged.