How to make the most of the January sales

30th December 2014clare Share:FacebookTwitterShare

At this time of year, almost every shop has a sale on and you may be tempted to rush out and grab all the good deals you can! But even when you're swimming in bargains you can still be a canny shopper. Here are our top tips to help you make the most of the January sales (and here's a quick link to our own Winter Sale (as we like to call it).


1. Plan ahead


Image source: agencyby

This is the perfect opportunity to snap up things you really need, or have been desperately wanting to treat yourself to, so it's a great idea to make a list. Write down your main ideas to help you to stay focused and not get overwhelmed by everything that's on offer. Be prepared and you won't end up splashing the cash on loads of cut-price items you don't really need.

Does list-making ruin your fun? Prefer to just browse the sales? You can still avoid giving into every temptation by setting a budget. Work out what you can afford to spend and make sure you stick to it; having a limit like this will help you pick out the real gems in the sales and come away loving everything you've bought.


2. Buy smart


Pictured: Set of 6 Painted Red Sleigh Bells - £6.95

You may just want to forget about Christmas by now, but the January sales are an ideal time to stock up for next year. If you see something you know somebody will love, don't hesitate to grab it while you can. As well as cutting down the amount of Christmas shopping you'll have to do come December, you can also get hold of gifts for birthdays and other occasions throughout the year!

Don't just look for gifts either. Now is the ideal time to get your hands on everything from Christmas tree decorations, to ribbons and wrapping paper. The shops don't want them any more, which means you can get some pretty tasty bargains and store them all away until next winter.


3. Shop with style


Image source: haveseen

Hear the words 'January sales' and you probably think early starts, bustling crowds and long checkout queues, but it doesn't have to be that way! First, why not look at your favourite shops online? Many stores offer exclusive online deals so you don't need to head out into the cold - you can get all your bargains without leaving home!

However you shop, make sure you stick to the sales. If you don't find that new handbag or cake stand you really want at a reduced price, move on; you can come back later if you need to, but it's worth taking advantage of the sales while you can.


4. Watch the price


Image source: RockandWasp

The key to sales shopping is to keep your eye on the price. Easy though it might be to be swayed by large discounts, it's no good making use of an 85% discount if it's still out of your price range. So remember, whether you're buying clothes, books or bakeware, try to ignore the reduction and look at the price instead. You might even find it useful to do some price comparing beforehand - especially if you have a big purchase in mind - so you know what you can reasonably expect to pay.

Of course, if you're after good reductions and great prices, check out the Winter Sale. We have all sorts of cut-price goodies for you and your home!
