Celebrating World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day 2020 is going to be a little different compared to previous years. Here in the UK we’ve been in our second lockdown for just over a week, and those of you in other countries may also have been in lockdown for longer, or waiting on news of further quarantining.
In lockdown 2.0, we had a little more time to prepare, as well as put in place some of the things we learned during the first lockdown in the spring!

Here at Rex London, we’re all about kindness - so much so, in fact, that we recently launched our Gifts of Random Kindness brand message. It’s all about being kind to yourself and kind to others - and we could all use a little kindness right about now! It's amazing what small acts of random kindness can do for someone's mood, and it can be easy to brighten someone’s day and give yourself a little boost.
Here we share our top tips for bringing kindness into your everyday, and it should stand you in good stead for surviving and thriving until December, and beyond.
Be kind to yourself
Build in “me time”
Even though some of the things that are in our daily routine will no longer be possible, it’s been shown that our mental health can be improved if we keep a daily schedule. Make time in your day for small acts of self-care, such a relaxing bath in the evening or taking a lunch break to catch up on some life admin. Sleep patterns can get messed up with higher stress levels, so keeping to a normal-ish routine will help you get some quality zzzs. Read our 5 tips for boosting your mental health or why journaling is great for your wellbeing.

Folk Doves eye mask and pouch, £9.95
Get those endorphins
With the closure of gyms and sports facilities, we'll be back to relying on online classes to keep us in shape. Actually block out time in your calendar (as you would a meeting) for these sessions, and you'll be much more likely to attend them. Or try and get yourself down to a park / wood / river / beach on your lunch break - a brisk walk will get your heart rate up and reconnecting with nature will soothe your soul.
Eat healthy
Is it just us that starts to crave comfort food when the weather turns colder? Eating healthy foods will ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals to keep your body strong. Plan out your meals for the week, and arrange for a big weekly delivery or supermarket trip. Try shopping outside of peak hours (if possible), to limit contact with other people. But don’t be too hard on yourself, and just like making time for self-care, you can allow yourself to enjoy a few treats. Life is for living!

Wild Wonders snack boxes (set of 3), £5.95
Be kind to others
Spoil everyone this Christmas
We don’t know what Christmas will look like this year, but show your loved ones that you care by spoiling everyone this festive season. Because many people have been struggling financially this year, it doesn’t have to mean blowing your savings. Even a small gift will deliver the message of Christmas cheer, or for those really on a budget, making something yourself can mean even more than a shop-bought gift. Read these 10 heartwarming acts of everyday kindness for some inspiration.
Nordic Christmas washi tape, £2.95
As non-essential shops will be closed, you won't be able to shop for your Christmas gifts in person. But there are plenty of online stores (ourselves included!), so you can get everything you need for the festive season.
Find the perfect present from our wide selection of Christmas gifts, whether you're shopping for kids, teens, for her or him!
Connect with loved ones
Make use of technology (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Meet, WhatsApp video...) and make time to speak to your loved ones. Having these moments will not only help you to feel warm and fuzzy, it may be a great solace for friends and family who are feeling isolated. So whether you set up a weekly quiz or just virtual Friday night drinks, keeping connected will help dispel feelings of separation and depression.
Donate to charity
Food poverty and homelessness are taking a big hit during the pandemic, and as days get colder things will only get worse. You can do your bit by donating to a cause you care about, and show some kindness to people and animals who don’t have it as good as those of us that are lucky to have kept jobs, homes and families.

Best in Show wallet, £15.95
We want to hear from you! What other acts of kindness will be helping you and your loved ones get through lockdown? Share your stories with us @RexLondonUK using the hashtag #KindnessEveryday.