Returning unwanted items:
You can return your purchase for a refund within 30 days of receiving it. Simply post the item/s back to us with the completed returns form. Items must be unused and with tags intact. Note that you will be responsible for the cost of returning an unwanted item.
Returning damaged or faulty items:
Before returning the product you must contact customer services and inform us that you would like to return a faulty, damaged, or incorrect item. You can send the item back to us free of charge and will receive a full refund.
Read our full returns policy for more detail.
These are so adorable, ideal little stocking fillers. They look too good to use but work well on light pencil.
These are a fantastic price, so cute! Also my daughters love everything Asian and were over the moon with these. Delivery times are great too.
This was something different for my grandchild to have in her pencil case. Better than the plain square ones you can get
Very cure, my niece loved then.
Beautiful, wish I'd bought more then two now.