8 simple ways to organise your desk space

24th June 2024Rachel.McCarty Share:FacebookTwitterShare

Tidy desk, tidy mind, or so the saying goes at least. There’s no doubt that a clutter-free work environment helps clarify and focus the mind, improves productivity, and it looks great too! Plus, it’s always worth having an excuse to pick up some gorgeous stationery, right? Here are some simple tips to help you organise your desk space. 

Clear your desk

First things first - the mess needs to get worse before it gets better! Clear the space completely by removing everything from your desk, and give it a good clean and wipe down. Then you can go through all of your items, throwing out or recycling any rubbish, and putting everything you need to one side, ready to go back onto the desk in all the right places. 


Top tip: depending on how frequently you use your desk, set aside 5 minutes at the end of every day or week to give your desk a quick declutter and clean. Doing little and often will stop the mess building up, saving you time and stress in the long-run.

Ring binders

Not just for school work, ring binders are a staple part of any organised work space. Choose a pattern that suits your decor and personality, and get filing. You can have different binders for different topics or family members, and use dividers to further categorise your documents, such as ‘utilities’, ‘holidays’ or ‘payslips’. 


Love Birds ring binder

Love Birds ring binder, £3.95 


Top tip: keep a bin within easy reach of your desk to avoid any rubbish or unwanted paper piling up.

Stationery storage

Drawing pins, paper clips, staples… all those fiddly little bits of stationery need to go somewhere. We love the idea of repurposing existing tins or trays, such as this jewellery dish.


Cat face trinket tray

Cat face trinket tray, £5.95


For larger pieces of stationery such as pens, scissors and rulers, a desk tidy is a popular choice. For something a little different, why not use some unique and colourful tins? You can wash and decorate some food tins, or this pair of quirky storage tins offers a more spacious solution. 


Pink and red Fish design storage tins, filled with stationery

Fish storage tins (set of two), £8.95

Colourful accessories

If you’re going to update your stationery, all in the name of getting ready for a session of desk-organisation, of course, we’ve got some bright and bold options for you, from notebooks and pens, to rubbers and memo pads. Here are a couple of our favourites!


Every desk needs a notebook (or two, or five) so why not make sure it's as beautiful as possible? We have more than 50 designs available in A5 and A6 sizes, so there's something for all tastes.


Ladybird A5-A6 Notebook

Ladybird A5 notebook, £3.95


The cutest way to colour-code your notes, these rainbow sticky notes come with a little stand so they can be displayed with pride, and brighten your day.


Rainbow sticky notes on a desk next to a mug with a rainbow pencil inside

Rainbow sticky notes, £3.95

Good luck if you’re planning a work space overhaul. Tag your photos with #RexLondon so we can see how you choose to style your desk!
