Nearly half of us expect random gifts...

21st May 2024hollie.earlam Share:FacebookTwitterShare

We’re always keen to better understand our customers and what, exactly, gifting means to you. 


So, we sent out a short survey to find out your favourite gifts, your favourite people to buy for and the most important parts of gift-giving. 


The results are in:

  • 92% of people think gift-giving is more fun when the recipient doesn’t expect it - 91% say the same for receiving gifts
  • January is the most popular month to buy your first Christmas present 
  • The most important part of receiving a gift is the thoughtfulness
  • 48% of people expect to receive random gifts 
  • More than 8 in 10 of us pretend to like gifts we dislike


Here are the results from the survey itself...


Is gift-giving more fun when the recipient isn't expecting it?


Who is your favourite person to buy for?


Some of our favourite individual responses to this were:

  • "Whoever needs an unexpected lift! 🎁🎀"
  • "Babies - for their unalloyed joy in receiving."
  • "The person who least expects something but it comes at exactly the right time for them"
  • "Everyone who has great taste!"
  • "It just happens when i find the right gift. Doesn't matter who for."
  • "Everyone deserves a treat"


Who is your least favourite person to buy for? 




Some of our favourite answers to this one were:

  • "Pets - can’t tell me if he likes it"
  • "Men full stop are very difficult to buy for."
  • "Politicians"
  • "Nobody - I am a great gift giver. 😃"
  • "Love giving no matter who!"


How long do you typically spend deciding what to buy your partner for Christmas?


Our favourites for this question were: 

  • "I keep inspiration on Pinterest posts when I see them and buy when they're in the sale"
  • "364 days"
  • "Forever! He is impossible!"
  • "I start looking in January"


Would you openly admit to disliking a gift? 




Is receiving gifts more fun when you aren't expecting it? 


Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey. We hope answering the questions, or reading through the results, was a bit of fun - and reinforced how random, thoughtful gifts have the power to change someone's day!


                                                                       Find the perfect gift




